среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

court judge state supreme united

When was the last time I�wrote in here?��A long time ago.� A long, long, LONG�time ago.� Itapos;s kind of fun to have something that I�can read to remind myself of all the stuff thatapos;s happened over the years. � Amazing.� I�look at my icon... "Jess...Pharmacy Associate"�and think how much Iapos;ve learned since then.� Then, I was in between my freshman and sophomore year, about six years ago.� Six years?� Itapos;s amazing to think that this is my seventh year of college. �It doesnapos;t seem like much has happened since the first year.� Then again, it seems like everything has happened. �

School has been usual....difficult...sleepless....exhausting....but still fun.� Now Iapos;m on rotations, the place Iapos;ve wanted to be for a very long time. �Iapos;m finding it easy to learn and exciting.� Iapos;ve gotten to do and see so much--it would be better, I�think, to have half a day of class followed by half a day of on site experience in whatever topic youapos;re studying. �Thereapos;s no way to do that, of course.� However, rotations have proved most interesting. �Iapos;ve seen so many patients with a myriad of disease states that have killed them, been treated, been cured, and lead to other disease states.� I feel like a carpenter going to work with a tool box full of tools (drugs) that seem strange to those who are unfamiliar with them.� They are useful yet dangerous tools, capable of healing and harming, all at the same time. �

Donapos;t get me wrong.� Iapos;m not a proponent of drugs. �If I can at all eliminate a compound from someoneapos;s regimen, I jump at the chance.� I�think too often people assume pharmacists want people to be on every drug possible, as if itapos;s a business.� But when drug therapy is warranted, we are supposed to be experts in managing it.� I�donapos;t feel like much of an expert.

Last summer I�went to Australia for five weeks with my roommate/friend Brett and our friend Lisa.� We spent a week camping in the outback, six hours North of Adelaide (a fantastic city).� There, we did a lot of conservation research and looked for rabbits on the Koonamore Reserve with seven other students from the states and Canada.� The next week was spent in Adelaide processing our data and seeing the sites.� We stayed at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, overlooking a park.� Australia is such an amazing country with very friendly, polite people.� The food was excellent. �

After our two weeks of conservation work, we embarked on an eco-friendly adventure tour of Australia, traveling up the East coast, seeing Byron Bay, Melbourne, Sydney, Cairns, Airlie Beach, Brisbane, and so much more.� We did everything from white-water raft, rappel (absail) in the Blue Mountains, skydive over Byron Bay, pet kangaroos and koalas, rainforest hike, alligator crawl through a jungle stream on Fraiser Island, SCUBA�dive the barrier reef, and see the Sydney Acquarium, just to name a few things.� Following our Australia adventure, we spent a week in Fiji, hiking, kayaking, swimming, boating, and getting plenty of sun. � It was an awesome trip.� It sparked something in me. �

I think thereapos;s something inside us that always craves more information, a better understanding of the universe that we live in, and some kind of desire to purge ignorance from the world.� I do not think the human race will survive with the current level of hatred, ignorance, and ethnocentrism that exists in society today--our technology is becoming more and more advanced and it is becoming easier for someone to end another personapos;s life.� I think the key to solving this is travel, communication, and understanding.� Expansion of your own knowledge, the desire to try and accept new things, and the willingness to accept aspects which may be different and potentially offensive are incredibly useful tools--and necessary, I�think.� I do not understand why some choose to have a closed mind.

So itapos;s a heated campaign right now.� Barack Obama and Joe Biden are pulling ahead in the polls, thankfully.� My conservative friends are are still pushing for a McCain/Palin presidency.� It wouldnapos;t be so bad if they had carefully investigated the partyapos;s economic plans, etc and said, "no, I think this one is better for the country...." Instead itapos;s reasons like "I got an email that said Obama could be assassinated...." or "Obama doesnapos;t have any experience...."��� No experience?��Really?��How can you possibly say a man that has had years and years of senate and governmental involvement and graduated top of the class with a law degree is not qualified?��In fact, both Biden and Obama have doctorates in law and have significant experience.� Were as McCain--well, obviously he has had the military experience....but very little law, and no economics...and Palin probably has more governmental experience than he does......sad. � I just hope one day we can live in a world where no one has to debate whether or not someone who loves someone else should have the right to get married, where we donapos;t have to worry about oil lobbists impacting the decisions for the good of the planet and everyone on it, and where the UN�and the rest of the world doesnapos;t constantly think weapos;re complete idiots. �

Guess weapos;ll see what happens.
court judge state supreme united, court judge state united, court judge superior, court judge supream.

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