среда, 15 октября 2008 г.


The new MacBook Pro - two GPUs (nVidia 9400M and 9600M GT), frigging HUGE multitouch glass trackpad with new gestures up to four fingers at a time (which should make using your MBP/MB look like finger-dance-dance-revolution). Unibody frame design. Glass front bezel making it look like an iPhone. FW400 is officially gone replaced with a single FW800 port. Hard drive is now actually easy to remove. LED backlight. Otherwise, itapos;s kind of an incremental upgrade.

Starts at $2000. 2.4GHz, 2.53GHz, or 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor.

MacBook Air got a small upgrade (more hard drive).

The new MacBooks make the line seamless - theyapos;re really MacBook Pro Lite now - same basic design as the revamped Pros - only real difference is one GPU (9400M) instead of two. Includes the huge glass trackpad and four finger gestures. LED backlight. Superdrive on all.

$1300 MacBook = 2.0GHz Core2Duo/2GB RAM/160GB HD
$1600 MacBook = 2.4GHz Core2Duo/2GB RAM/250GB HD/Backlit keyboard

The existing MacBooks will also continue to be sold but at $1000 (down from $1100) as the new apos;entryapos; level Mac although on the Apple site, the old MacBook has disappeared from the marketing area (the store is, of course, down so no way to get details).

No BluRay support for the foreseeable future.

No tablets or netbooks. In fact, Iapos;d say theyapos;re kind of out of touch here... (pardon the pun).

11:03AM Q: Youapos;ve put a lot of work into the new touchpad, do touchscreens not make sense?
A: Steve: so far it hasnapos;t made a lot of sense to us.

11:02AM Q: Are we going to see a netbook?
A: Steve: In terms of netbooks, thatapos;s a nascent market thatapos;s just getting started.

Interestingly - the Netbook computer is one of the fastest growing sectors of the laptop market - and the general trend seems to be towards adding touchscreens by next summer. Weapos;ll see if Apple misses a big trend here...
cema, cem56btxna, cem56.sys, cem56.

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