понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

amstrad cpc464

Today begins Laurenapos;s week oapos; sponsorship, which will include -- further into the week -- apos;Velveteen vs. The Junior Super Patriots, West Coast Division,apos; a multi-part superhero adventure with lots of flung rhetoric, swung fists, and (if Velma has anything to say about it) serious bodily damage. But thatapos;s later. I write fast. I donapos;t write quite fast enough to supply a Velveteen story for every sponsorship today.

So instead, Iapos;m coming to you with...thanks.

Thank you to Lauren for sponsoring this week. Thank you to everyone with sponsorships already past or yet to come. Seriously. Every $4.11 gets me that much closer to my wacky Australian adventure, and makes it that much more likely that Iapos;ll get the opportunity to poke some horrible, poisonous thing with a very sharp stick. And that is wonderful beyond all words. Thank you, thank you, a thousand times thank you.

It really means the world to me.

conodont alteration index, amstrad cpc464.

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